Animals • Us • Earth

Animals • Us • Earth
Visit us at the weekly market in Vorarlberg
and discover the variety of sustainable, plant-based products.
Weekly Market in Feldkirch
every Wednesday & Saturday at Marktstraße
At the weekly market in Vorarlberg, I sell vegan homemade products as well as exquisite plant-based specialties. Orders can also be delivered. Please give us a call

Goto website Wochenmarkt (DE)
Weekly Market in Dornbirn
every Tuesday at Marktgasse
I, Gregory Knell, known as 'Greg,' have always cherished animals and nature. We are all on a unique path, and I have chosen to make mine one without animal products.
There are so many reasons why this makes sense. For me, it means that by putting animals first, we automatically become more at peace; our minds are freer, and our bodies heal!
My mission is to inform people why this is so beneficial and how they too can participate. As the founder of Cow-Peace-Tofu, I took this step to highlight the extent to which we have become dependent on the use of animals, especially cows, in industrial farming. This commitment to a vegan lifestyle is not only a personal gain but also an advocacy for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Gregory Knell
My two siblings and I were born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. Since 2003, I have been living in Austria with my own family.

Founder of Kuh-Ruh-Tofu
My vision is to see, within my lifetime, how we can lead our world better, for the good of animals and nature. This thought, coupled with my passion for good food and cooking, has inspired me to show others that a life without animal products is not only possible but also enriching.
Give the cow its peace!
The idea behind this is to become aware of the significant role cows play in our daily lives and that it's finally time for them to rest.
Milk production forces cows to give birth to calves annually. Male calves, which cannot be used for milk production, are often sold to traders and suffer long transports abroad. This fate of the calves reflects only a part of the ethical concerns associated with the dairy industry. Cows are frequently kept in cramped conditions and separated from their calves shortly after birth, which is traumatic for both the mother and the calf.
Ecologically speaking, milk production is also problematic. It requires enormous amounts of water, land, and feed, and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The high consumption of resources and environmental impact underscore the urgency of switching to plant-based alternatives.
...or why there's a better way.

What's the problem?
Soy has a bad reputation, and unfortunately, there are many prejudices and myths – unjustly, because the soybean is a very valuable and versatile food with a high protein content and a balanced amino acid profile.
Thus, soy is also a versatile replacement for dairy products.
The soy for products like tofu is mostly sourced from Europe – often from Austria, Germany, France, and other European countries.
Its bad reputation is mainly due to its use as animal feed for our livestock (especially poultry, but also in pig farming). For this purpose, "genetically modified soy" from the USA & South America (rainforest regions) is often imported into the EU.
By increasingly choosing plant-based alternatives, we contribute to the welfare of cows and other livestock and protect our environment.
Every small decision can make a big difference.
And soy is the solution?
Tofu and more

nüsse & CO
Bio-Tofuspezialitäten, veganer Leberkäse, vegane Käse-Alternativen
Seitan, Nusskäse "Kurkuma Delight", Fallapfel-Bällchen, verschiedene Kuchen
Sonnenblumen- & Soja-Granulat, Hefeflocken, Seitan-Pulver, Gewürze und mehr
Große Auswahl an Nüssen, Trockenfrüchte (umgeschwefelt & umgezuckert)
Super leckerer Tofu! Ich bin begeistert von der Qualität und dem Geschmack.
Die Gewürze sind einfach fantastisch! Sie verleihen meinen Gerichten den perfekten Kick.
Besonders gut finde ich den veganen Leberkäse. Ich komme immer wieder gerne.
Martin aus Hohenems
Überzeuge dich selber von der Qualität und der Vielfalt unserer Produkte am Marktstand von Kuh-Ruh-Tofu!
Bei Fragen oder Anregungen kannst du uns gerne kontaktieren – per Kontaktformular oder wenn es dringender ist, gerne auch per Telefon:
+43 699 1180 5793
Angaben gemäß Informationspflicht laut §5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmensgesetzbuch, §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht laut §25 Mediengesetz.
Gregory Knell
Fellengattner Straße 38
6820 Frastanz, AT
Telefon: +43 699 1180 5793
Mitglied bei: WKO Vorarlberg | Handels- und Handelsagentengewerbe
Berufsrecht: Gewerbeordnung: www.ris.bka.gv.at
Aufsichtsbehörde/Gewerbebehörde: BH Feldkirch
Verleihungsstaat: Österreich
UID-Nummer: ATU70254039
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Mehr dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.

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Marktstand erhältlich – schau vorbei!